Congratulations to our baritone Mat Moose Mousseau for winning the horn player of the year at the Maple Blues Awards ! Proud of him ! Also Dawn Tyler Watson’s album...
Dawn Tyler Watson won “Band of the Year” at The International Blues Challenge in Memphis sponsored by the Blues Foundation. This is where all the individual Blues Societies from around...
Congratulations to our Tenor Sax Player Frankie Thiffault named horn player of the year @ 2017 Maple Blues Awards! Saxophoniste blues de l’année au Canada ! BRAVO
We’re proud that Ben Racine Band’s Horn Section is nominated as Horn Player of the Year at the 2017 Maple Blues Awards. Congrats to Little Frankie Thiffaut and Mat Moose Mousseau !!...
The Ben Racine Band As a backing band for Dawn Tyler Watson will represent the Montreal Blues Society in Band category in Memphis for the International Blues Challenge !
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